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240+ College Scholarship
16 MBL Draft Picks
National Tournaments and Showcases
Professional Coaching Staff
Baseball at the Highest Level
Professional on & Off-field Facilities

Schaumburg Seminoles Baseball is a National Baseball Program that is recognized as one of the top programs in the country. The Seminoles have won 4 National Championships, 6 National Championship appearances, and 14 State Titles over the last 20 seasons.

The Seminoles are the first team from Illinois to win the prestigious CABA World Series National Championship. In 2011, the Seminoles defeated the East Cobb Astros 7-2 in the championship game to win the CABA 15U National Championship.

The mission for all the Seminole teams (15U-18U) is to participate in all of the top showcases and national tournaments around the country. Our goal is for every player in the program to get the opportunity to play at the highest level and have the chance to play in front of college and pro scouts each and every game. This will give every player in the program a chance to play college and pro baseball. The mission for all Seminole teams is to play the most elite tournament schedule in the state. This will give each player the opportunity to play baseball at the highest level and have the opportunity to receive a college scholarship.

The Seminole's most impressive graduating class was in 2011, as 26 players signed to play collegiate baseball in 2012.

Experience baseball at the highest level! Seminoles Baseball The Greatest Show On Earth!

Russ Gangler, President

Tryouts & Open Roster Spots

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description


For additional details, please click the website icons above. This listing is provided solely for informational purposes.

Age Groups



Itasca , Illinois
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