Our goal is player development supported by a team program that focuses on the individual player, their goals, and what they need to work on in order to succeed. We help our young players make their school teams, and our seniors make their college teams.
At our facility located in Northfield, IL, we run the Windy City Prospects youth, high school and collegiate teams in Chicago. We pride ourselves on professionalism and honesty in our relationships with players, parents, opponents and umpires. We are honest and skilled in assessing our players and giving them what they need.
We teach all aspects of baseball such as hitting, fielding, pitching, catching, defense, and mental skills. We also offer velocity and arm care training. Much of our catching and hitting is done with a top of the line MLB Spinball machine where we can simulate any pitch at any velocity from any pitcher.
Type | Age Groups | Tryout Dates | Positions Needed | Tryout Location | Short Description |