The entry cost of this tournament is $250.00, but you will have to pay the umpire before each game you play. Example 9,10 =$35,11,12 = $40,13,14u = $45, 15,16U = $75, so as you can see, this is a very good price. I will only be able to take a total of 100 teams in all age groups combined. Also, let your parents know that there is an admission of $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for Seniors and children 15 and under.
Our website is www.teamexposure.com.
Circle Age of your Team: 9 open or Silver, 10 open or silver, 11 open or silver, 12 open or silver, 13 open or silver, 14 open or silver,15 open or Silver,16 open or silver.
Call Herb @ 815-690-2032 or Email: herb@teamexposure.com