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The Cedar Springs Hawks Youth Baseball, aka CSHYB, was incorporated as a nonprofit in 2023 to teach and promote the game of baseball in an environment that fosters competition, individual development, instills the importance of being part of a team, readies players for High School baseball, and enhances the enjoyment of youth baseball players.

CSHYB organizes baseball teams for baseball players living in the surrounding area.  Our goal is to create a comprehensive, community-based program to support the development of players across a wide range of participation levels. Our ultimate vision is to foster consistent teams at the youth level to support our High School team.

The CSHYB program goals are to do the following:

  • Organizing and sponsoring youth baseball teams;
  • Providing instruction and training to youth baseball players and coaches at all levels;
  • Promoting teamwork and good sportsmanship;
  • Encouraging physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle;
  • Providing a positive outlet for youth in the community;
  • Provide programs that are cooperative with other community programs;
  • Seek to maximize the potential of every player in the program;
  • Encourage and foster player participation for the full length of a player’s youth sports career by putting each player in a position to be successful;


Tournaments Location GG Start Date End Date Age Group Organization


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This listing is for informational purposes only. Click on the website icon for more details and to register for tournaments. 


Cedar Springs , Michigan

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