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The Alabama State Games are currently looking for baseball teams to take part in our gold-medal baseball tournament June 9-11 in Jefferson County, Alabama. We are looking for athletes of all ages and abilities to be a part of the annual Olympic-styled showcase.

Consider this a personal invitation to be a part of history and the 40th Anniversary Alabama State Games. Because we are so looking forward to having teams be a part of our event - we are offering 13U baseball teams a special registration price of $100 per team with a guarantee of 4 games. (The guarantee depends on the number of teams who register).

Additional event information can be found at ALAGAMES.com

To give you a little detail about our Foundation, we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in 1982 at the request of the US Olympic Committee. We, as an organization, use sports as a vehicle to emphasize and encourage good academics, a healthy lifestyle and good citizenship. Being modeled after the Olympics, our organization works hard to give each athlete a unique experience only found at the Alabama State Games.

Creating an atmosphere where the athlete is the center is integral to the Opening Ceremony. The Athletes - from different regions of the state - are welcomed into the venue as part of the Parade of Athletes and then, in unison, recite the Oath of the Athlete. Opening Ceremony as a celebration of the athlete culminates with the lighting of the flame signaling the start of the Alabama State Games.

With a mission-driven focus on education, the participating athletes are eligible to win one of 17 scholarships ranging in value from $500 to $4,000 and are given a 40th Anniversary Commemorative T-shirt during the Opening Ceremony. The Alabama State Games has awarded more than $335,000 in academic scholarships to date.
But - to be gifted the free 40th Anniversary T-shirt and eligible for the scholarship drawing - athletes registered to compete must participate in the Opening Ceremony.

The 40th Anniversary Alabama State Games Opening Ceremony will be telecast live statewide across the Alabama State Games Television Network (including WBRC (Birmingham), WAFF (Huntsville), WSFA (Montgomery), WALA (Mobile), WTVY (Dothan)).

Additional Info

The Alabama State Games was established in 1982 at the request of the United States Olympic Committee as a grassroots organization to increase interest in Olympic sports.  The first Alabama State Games took place at Auburn University in July 1983 with 600 athletes competing in 4 sports.  Since then the Alabama State Games has grown into the largest annual multi-sport event in Alabama with thousands of athletes competing in 25 different sports.  The Alabama State Games is the second oldest state games program in the country.


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This listing is for informational purposes only. Click on the website icon for more details and to register for tournaments. 


Montgomery , Alabama

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