West Texas Elite Baseball began in 2013 in San Angelo, TX. Our vision was to bring quality baseball to all young players in the West Texas region and give them the same opportunities afforded to players in larger areas of Texas. In 2013, we began in San Angelo with 2 youth teams and 1 high school team. In the Spring/Summer of 2021 we fielded 8 youth teams in San Angelo, 7 in Lubbock and 6 in Abilene. When youth players from West Texas Elite complete their 14u season, they graduate to Elite Baseball Academy. The Academy was started to bring the best players in the West Texas region together and give them the opportunity to play higher levels after high school. In the summer, Elite Baseball Academy typically fields 4-6 high school travel teams that participate in highly competitive tournaments with many college recruiters and professional scouts. West Texas Elite is currently looking for youth players from age 8-14 that are dedicated, driven, coachable, and passionate about baseball to field teams for the upcoming Fall and Spring baseball seasons. Click one of the links below to get signed up for an upcoming tryout in your area. If you do not currently see a tryout in your area, stay tuned as we will have that information posted in the near future. We look forward to seeing you there and stay tuned for updates on all things West Texas Elite!
Type | Age Groups | Tryout Dates | Positions Needed | Tryout Location | Short Description |