Prospect Wire travel baseball tournaments


13u Baseball team for the 2024-2025 season.

Coaches are all former Division I players and current pros who will help players improve, grow and prepare for high school, college and beyond.

This team will play 4 tournaments in the fall and 7-8 in the Spring-Summer of 2025, in addition to some midweek games.

This is not the academy experience, there is one team and the coaches' attention will be squarely on making you (or your child) better.

Email for more information, including costs, tryout, etc.

Tryouts & Open Roster Spots

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description


For additional details, please click the website icons above. This listing is provided solely for informational purposes.

Age Groups



Ambler , Pennsylvania
BaseballConnected new statewide youth baseball team directory

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