Recruit Baseball is a non-profit baseball organization dedicated to the advancement of our players baseball skills, their minds and bodies, sportsmanship and desire to do their best in any situation as young adults. Myself and my coaches dedicate ourselves to the betterment and growth of our players. We expect our players and our players families to show the same level of dedication and determination as we do. Our commitment to our players is unwavering. We are humbled by the opportunity to be an integral part in the growth and development of our players into young men and great baseball players.
Our teams play in highly competitive travel baseball leagues throughout Oakland & Macomb County as well as in select local, regional and national tournaments. It is the organizations goal to get our players in a position to be trying out for their Varsity High School baseball team when they enter high school with the hope of further opportunity. We work to compete at the highest level of play against other local, regional, and national travel teams. We play the game the way it is suppose to be played. We play hard, we play to win, and we show the highest level of sportsmanship and integrity while we do.
Type | Age Groups | Tryout Dates | Positions Needed | Tryout Location | Short Description |