In June 2019, Coach (Kyle) Wartella had just wrapped up another Varsity baseball season at a local high school. It was soon after the season that he felt God whisper to him, a whisper that led him to resign from his head coaching position and start a 12u travel baseball team. God wasn’t done there….He continued to press on Kyle’s heart a local building. A building, owned by a friend, who had already turned him down previously, when Kyle asked to put a batting cage in the back of his warehouse. Through all of this, Kyle continued to share with his wife Kristen about what God was putting on his heart. She was hesitant and a bit skeptical, given the fact he had already been told no about the building.
In the beginning of July 2019. God continued to press on Kyle’s heart the same building. So much so, Kyle again approached the building owner. Much to Kyle’s surprise he was now open to the idea and offered Kyle a monthly rent proposal. He was excited to have cleared one massive hurdle but questioned how he would ever be able to pay not only the rent but also the start up costs for the equipment and improvements that needed to happen. He shared this with Kristen and she agreed it just wasn’t feasible.
Fast forward just a few weeks, Kyle and Kristen found themselves in Milwaukee at a Brewers game. A trip that had been planned months before. Still with no way in sight, they had almost given up on opening a training facility. That was until God sat them RIGHT NEXT to a young man and his father from California. In their conversations, they shared that they owned a baseball training facility in California. Kyle shared his heart with them, and the father responded, “I wish we would have done it the way you are, I am going to help you, here is my email. Send me an address that I can send a check to.”
Walking out of the stadium, Kristen says “Kyle you are opening that facility, that was a God moment for sure! What are the chances we would be in Milwaukee and sit right next to a couple guys from California that own a baseball facility.” The rest is history, with the help of friends and family, Diamond Disciples Training Facility open November 1st, 2019.
Since opening, our facility has undergone two expansion projects in 2020 and 2021 respectively!