Prospect Wire travel baseball tournaments


The Hawks Gold Travel Baseball & Softball program is recognized by USSSA, Youth Baseball Magazine and others as one of the top programs in the Midwest. The primary focus of the entire Hawks Gold program is providing our members with an unrivaled player development experience. The entire HG coaching staff is united in our approach to instilling both fundamental, advanced and situational skills. Our position specific training allows a concentrated path to individual development that feeds into the team level. HG puts a significant focused effort to provide a positive, fun learning environment where our members enjoy accelerated player + personal growth. The united cross program training program and environment provides a continuity that builds consistent highly competitive teams. We believe that when a player feels safe, has fun while learning and is provided an advanced training program, the player will have the advantage on the competitive field of play. This becomes the unique advantage HG members possess.

HG has two outdoor field complexes containing a total of seven (7) fields plus, an indoor training facility. The unified training program, positive growth environment and year round 24/7 access to our facilities / equipment puts HG on the top in the Midwest.

The HG name plate continues to be a nationally recognized program. This recognition is demonstrated through the success feeding our ability to attract players from local, regional and national locations.

Age Group



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Tryout or Player Needed Listing

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description

Team Location

Howell , Michigan
BaseballConnected new statewide youth baseball team directory

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