Prospect Wire travel baseball tournaments


Please follow the link to register for our Tryout.
13u Baseball Tryouts
We are excited to announce tryouts for our 13u baseball team. This is a great opportunity for players to develop their skills, be part of a team, and compete.
- A fun and competitive tryout process
- Evaluation by experienced coaches
- Opportunity to be part of a dynamic team.
-Playong “Open” tournaments only

We Look Forward to Seeing You There!
Please follow the link above to register for our Tryout.
Contact : Kyle Kober 337-351-7211

Tryouts & Open Roster Spots

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description


For additional details, please click the website icons above. This listing is provided solely for informational purposes.

Age Groups



Lafayette , Louisiana
BaseballConnected new statewide youth baseball team directory

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