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GPAA has tryout-based baseball travel teams for our 8-14 year old players for baseball and 9-14 year old players for softball. These teams play in tournaments and/or leagues in the Chicagoland area. The goal of the travel program is to provide the more interested and dedicated baseball/softball players at GPAA the opportunity to improve their skills by facing some of the top tier teams in the area. We offer a fun, low-key and affordable travel program for Northside players who enjoy baseball. The focus of the program is provide more baseball to those who want the additional game experience and training. Players will be coached on proper mechanics and fundamentals to help increase their skill level.

Age Group



For more information, click on the website Icons above. This listing is for informational purposes only.

Tryout or Player Needed Listing

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description

Team Location

Chicago , Illinois
Prestige Travel Baseball Alsip Illinois Tryouts and Roster Positions Available
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