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The White Sox created the Amateur City Elite (ACE) program in 2007 to reverse the declining interest and participation in baseball among African American youth while offering resources and mentorship to pull kids away from the dangers of some of Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods. Heading into its sixteenth year, ACE provides the financial means and educational tools for more than 150 youth annually and helps prepare each participant to succeed in life beyond the diamond.

The program boasts a 99 percent high school graduation rate and has helped more than 250 students earn scholarships to schools like Louisville, Michigan, and Vanderbilt, as well as several Historically Black Colleges & Universities.

The ACE program has been named the recipient of the 2022 Allan H. Selig Award for Philanthropic Excellence. In celebration of the award, the Paul and Sandra Garrett Foundation, longtime friends of White Sox Charities, will match total donations to the ACE program up to $6,000.

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Chicago , Illinois
Prestige Travel Baseball Alsip Illinois Tryouts and Roster Positions Available
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