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Bloomingdale Bulldogs currently has teams from 8U - 15U.
Our program provides each team fields (with lights) and insurance. There are always has available local fields. WE DO NOT RENT FIELDS AS PART OF OUR BUDGET. Costs can be very affordable but that depends on how the Manager of each club wants to administer their team.
Each Team is independently administered by its Manager (with some oversight from The Bloomingdale Baseball and Softball Assoc.) Each Manager determines budget for their team. (I.E. fundraising, how many games they play, how many tournaments, what much training, what training facility, how many uniforms they want, what competition level is best, and most important what out of town tournaments they want to attend.).

Age Group



For more information, click on the website Icons above. This listing is for informational purposes only.

Tryout or Player Needed Listing

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description

Team Location

Bloomingdale , Illinois
Prestige Travel Baseball Alsip Illinois Tryouts and Roster Positions Available
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