The KC Baseball Roos have players as young as six years old up through 14U. These players transition to our Top Tier Roos program for their high school years upon completion of their 14U season. Our baseball teams offer players an opportunity to grow and develop at their own pace. We have teams who compete at the local level, regional level, as well as teams who compete on the national stage. Competing at the national level is an understatement in terms of just how many national championships this group of primarily Tampa Bay, FL based teams have captured. A few of the more notable national championships include the USSSA 9U Elite World Series Championship, TBS 10U National Championship, NYBC 12U National Championship, AAU 10U, 11U and 12U National Championships, USA Baseball East Championship 14U 2x, Perfect Game BCS 13U National Championship, and the Perfect Game 13U and 14U World Series titles.
Type | Age Groups | Tryout Dates | Positions Needed | Tryout Location | Short Description |