Click on the website icon for more information and to register for this tournament.
Age groups: 8u, 9u, 10u, 11u, 12u
Pool Play: Thursday, July 17th through Saturday, July 19th
Playoffs/Championships: Sunday, July 20th
Please Note: Teams will be accepted on a “First Paid-First Accepted” basis and entries will be limited only to the first 200 paid registrations.
Registration Fee: $1095.00-1495.00
Primary venue is Lasorda Legacy Park
Teams who register but do not pay are not in the tournament and placed on the waiting list until payment is received. To avoid being placed on the waiting list and secure entry, payment must be made.
4 Game Guarantee: Pool play format will be used with all teams entered (weather permitting).
All teams receive one dozen Rawlings game balls for the duration of the event, if teams need more baseballs additional baseballs can be purchased at Lasorda Legacy Park. Additional baseballs will be provided for all Gold bracket playoff games.
Two (2) High School board certified Umpires are supplied for every game.
This event does have a “Hotel Obligation” policy in place.
Come join us for our 1st Annual Summer Nationals, this event will feature some of the best competition on the East Coast!
8U Open - $1,095.00
9U Open - $1,095.00
10U Open - $1,295.00
11U Open - $1,495.00
12U Open - $1,495.00
- 4 Game Guarantee
- Stay to Play
- Turf Fields
HotelsAll organizations who are 75+ miles from the tournaments main venue must book only through our approved hotel vendor, all hotels contracted are at a heavily discounted rate. Teams have the option to "buy out of" the housing policy for a $250 flat fee if they would like to handle their own reservations.