Click on the website icon to be redirected to the LevelUp website for more information and to register for this tournament.
All game are played on an 1:45 time limit with the last inning being played out. There might be times that a hard stop will have to be used but we will exhaust every option before that occurs. The championship game will play all 6 or 7 innings unless mercy rule. The LevelUp Baseball Staff will record the start time. All teams are required to be ready to play 15 minutes after the end of the game before them
***We advise you to keep and have available proof of age with you incase there's a question of age during the tournament and age verification is needed.***
LevelUp Baseball Staff will be on location and will keep the official book but the home team is required to also keep a book incase the staff has to leave for an emergency or other reason.
*****Emergency's Happen*****
The game day schedules are worked on Monday morning and are finalized and posted Monday night. Emergency's and other situations can arise throughout the week which would alter the schedule. It's the coaches responsibility to monitor the schedule through the week incase the schedule should change. Also, any and all schedule request should be submitted no later than the Monday before the tournament weekend. No request will be honored after Monday. Request will be honored on a first come first serve bases.