Prospect Wire travel baseball tournaments


Our Top Tier Baseball Roos feature showcase teams in the high school graduation years. Players transition from the KC Roos to Top Tier after their 14U season with KC. Our high school program offers players looking to play at the next level an opportunity to showcase their skills in the biggest events. Teams are designed and events scheduled based on a player’s ability. We offer both regional and national level competition schedules. Our national level program teams are arguably some of the best in the country in every grad year. Like their younger KC Roos, the elder Top Tier Roos have left their mark on several national championships, as well. Most notably the Perfect Game 15U World Series Championship, WWBA Perfect Game Freshman World Championship, WWBA Perfect Game Sophomore World Championship (2x), Wilson Premier 16U National Championship, USA Baseball East Championship 15U and 16U National Champions. If a player makes one of our Top Tier showcase teams we are more than confident we can find a home for that player at the next level.

Tryouts & Open Roster Spots

TypeAge GroupsTryout DatesPositions NeededTryout LocationShort Description


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Age Groups



Oldsmar , Florida
BaseballConnected new statewide youth baseball team directory

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